Welcome to Bethel One for All Inspire

Who is Bethel One For All Inspire BOFA Inspire?

We are a not-for-profit organisation, focused on community engagement and skills development, based at Bethel United Church in Small Heath. We work with children, young people, the elderly, families, and communities who may be socially, economically, or culturally disadvantaged, living in multiple deprivations, in inner city areas of Birmingham.

Our focus is to re-connect disadvantaged communities across generations. build resilience and skills to realise their full potential and create an equal / level playing field for all communities, as active citizens of Birmingham.

By investing in our children, young people, families and the elderly we encourage those most marginalised and excluded communities to have a strong voice, make informed career pathway choices, adopt healthy lifestyles and participate fully within their local communities.


To Transform Lives, Build Skills, and Reach Potential – by building Resilience, Life Skills and Wellbeing.

Our Mission

Offering a range of age specific programmes, activities and services to include play, sports, career pathway/ skills development, personal development and health and wellbeing programmes for local communities – who may be socially, economically and culturally disadvantaged.

Our Values

Are underpinned by our principles of ‘equality for all’; and ‘safe and equal access for all’.   To enable disadvantaged communities to ‘safely’ achieve their full potential, by supporting individuals in raising their self-esteem, self-awareness and confidence, and develop skills- in doing so they will realize their hopes, dreams and aspirations.

Empowerment: Being at the forefront of engaging those most disadvantaged and deprived communities to become active citizens, realise their rights and entitlements and their aspirations.

Community spirit: Inspiring local communities, who experience marginalisation and social exclusion, through community engagement and participation

Inclusivity: Being equipped with the tools to offer ‘equal and safe access and engagement with our programmes for members of our local communities.  And supporting ‘ALL’ to reach their full potential without limitations.

A Taste of the Caribbean

As part of our Windrush project, our projects came together to produce a Caribbean cookbook. Have a sneak peak at one of our recipes. Our Taste of the Caribbean E-Cookbook can be purchased for £5.

Please get in touch to purchase by clicking the button below and dropping us an email.

Saltfish Fritters Recipe
BOFA Cookbook